Loại CSDL: Tài liệu số
Tác giả: Lam Quang Phuc Binh
Thông tin xb: Trường Đại học Trà Vinh, 2018
Tác giả bổ sung: Khau Hoang Anh (M.S)
Tóm tắt: To students/ English learners: This research gives students the reasons why they should involve environmental topics in their language study and what they can benefit from it; - To teachers/ practitioners: The study recommends the environmental topic to teachers of English that they can utilize to create more activities in English classrooms. Furthermore, language educators can encourage and inspire their students to develop themselves into an active informed citizen through the study of environmental ...
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1 440 KLTN Lam Quang Phuc Binh 1463 Kb (0 lượt tải) Xem toàn văn (2) Xem preview

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