Loại CSDL: Tài liệu số
Tác giả: Nguyễn Văn Son
Thông tin xb: Trường Đại học Trà Vinh, 2020
Tác giả bổ sung: TS. Nguyễn Huỳnh Trang
Tóm tắt: When talking about self-assessment, Falchikov (as cited in Topping, 2010) found that younger students seemed to be less reliable when working on their own. Better students tended to undermark their work and average ones tended to overmark themselves. Therefore, this study attempted to address this problem and is based on the idea of student-centered instruction and it has come to the investigation of peer’s value in pair and group work so that peer feedback is maximized. When applying peerfeedback, ...

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