Loại CSDL: Tài liệu số
Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Nhung
Thông tin xb: Trường Đại Cần Thơ, 2015
Tác giả bổ sung: TS. Nguyễn Thu Hương (người hướng dẫn khoa học)
Tóm tắt: With respect to the important role of writing assessment forESL/ EFL students,numerous educators and teachers have investigated various dimensions of writingassessment, especially designing writing assessment tasks and scoring writing papers.As an effort to contribute to enriching empirical evidence in the field, this researchaimed at exploring perceptions and practices of lecturers towards writing assessmentof first-and second-year English major students. This paper also aimed to find out acorrelation ...

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